Certified Evaluation and Accreditation (CEA)
The Certified Evaluation and Accreditation (CEA) system is a mandatory evaluation system in which an evaluation and accreditation organization certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology undertakes evaluations of the condition of education and research activities at universities, professional and vocational universities, professional graduate schools, junior colleges, professional and vocational junior colleges, and colleges of technology, based on evaluation standards drawn up by each certified evaluation and accreditation organizations. As of May 2021, the Minister has certified 15 organizations as certified
evaluation and accreditation organizations.
NIAD-QE is certified by the Minister as an evaluation and accreditation organization of universities, colleges of technology and law schools. NIAD-QE establishes different standards and methodologies for universities, colleges of technology and law schools, based upon which it conducts evaluations.
Institutional Certified Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities
All national, public and private universities are obliged to undergo this evaluation once in the period which does not exceed seven years. The third round of NIAD-QE’s institutional CEA commenced in 2019. The first round ran from 2005 to 2012, and the second round from 2012 to 2019.