Research Activities
●Research Department
- →Academic Staff
→Research for University Reforms
In order to help Japanese higher education institutions to reform their education and research activities, NIAD- QE conducts studies and research on: the improvement of university management, and evaluation for the assurance, maintenance and improvement of quality, national and international collaboration. This collaboration is as well as to related to quality assurance as well as the analysis and environment surrounding the use of information. NIAD-QE conducts empirical verification of its university evaluation, utilizes the outcomes from these studies and research for the improvement of its business, and makes all of them available to society.
→Research on Academic Degrees
Considering social requirements for diverse learning opportunities at the higher education level, NIAD-QE conducts research for the evaluation of learning outcomes required for the awarding of academic degrees to those who have studied at different educational institutions on different occasions throughout their lives. NIAD- QE also conducts empirical verification of its awarding of academic degrees. Another essential objective is the promotion of research in higher education and identification of relevant issues, with a primary focus on the quality of academic degrees in Japan, and also a system of academic degrees with international recognition affirmed. As well as making use of the results of this research in expanding its system of awarding academic degrees, NIAD-QE makes the results widely available to universities and other higher education institutions. This contributes to the development of the academic degree system in Japan, and also to a more widespread understanding of academic degrees.
●The Journal of NIAD-QE