Cooperation in Quality Assurance
NIAD-QE works in partnership with Japanese higher education institutions and evaluation organizations to gather, collate and distribute information about universities and colleges, quality assurance in higher education, and learning opportunities at universities and colleges. In addition, NIAD-QE works with various organizations to develop programs for faculty and staff development in the field of quality assurance. In particular, NIAD-QE operates the Japanese College and University Portraits to provide a mechanism for disclosing and utilizing information about education at universities and colleges in Japan. NIAD-QE also works with quality assurance organizations both in Japan and overseas for better understanding of Japanese higher education system among the international community.
International Cooperation 
NIAD-QE conducts international cooperation activities to promote wide-ranging international understanding of Japanese higher education and confidence in Japanese quality assurance - International Memberships, International Partnerships, Information
Provision, External Review on International Activities.
National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan)
In September 2019, NIAD-QE established the National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan) as Japan’s official National Information Center (NIC) in accordance with UNESCO's Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (known as the Tokyo Convention). Furthermore, from April 2023, NIC-Japan has taken on the role of Japan’s NIC under the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education (known as the Global Convention). NIC-Japan provides information on both Japanese and foreign education systems and higher education qualifications and cooperates with NICs or similar entities of other countries.
Japanese College and University Portraits
The Japanese College and University Portraits are a common database system launched in March 2015 for the purpose of disclosing and utilizing academic information on Japanese universities and junior colleges. The goals are to disseminate information about the educational activities of universities and junior colleges, in a clear manner to concerned parties, including students intending to enter a university or a junior college, and to use academic information about universities and junior colleges, to monitor and analyze the status of their educational activities.Japanese College and University Portraits (Japanese language only)
Japanese College and University Portraits (English Website)
Initiatives for Faculty and Staff Development in Quality Assurance
NIAD-QE supports voluntary activities by higher education institutions seeking to maintain and improve their quality, including internal quality assurance activities. Thus, NIAD-QE is developing a training program for those involved in quality assurance projects. It also conducts trial workshops and seminars. Through these initiatives in partnership with universities and evaluation organizations, NIAD-QE aims to improve the abilities of personnel involved in quality assurance in higher education.
Japan Network of Certified Evaluation and Accreditation Agencies (JNCEAA)
NIAD-QE cooperates with other certified evaluation and accreditation organizations in Japan through its participation in the Japan Network of Certified Evaluation and Accreditation Agencies (JNCEAA), which consists of 12 certified evaluation and accreditation organizations. JNCEAA encourages cooperation and information sharing with the aim of assuring the quality of higher education in Japan and enhancing certified evaluation and accreditation. It disseminates information about evaluation results and outstanding initiatives by universities. It also trains staff in the field of quality assurance.
JNCEAA List of CEA results for universities, junior colleges, colleges of technology and professional graduate schools conducted by agencies that participate in JNCEAA
Forums and Seminars
NIAD-QE holds an annual University Quality Assurance Forum and other seminars to share the results of research into quality assurance in higher education with society as a whole, and also
offer an opportunity for more in-depth discussion with a wider audience. The past events are achieved in
‘News and Events’.