NIAD-QE conducts international cooperation activities to promote wide-ranging international understanding of Japanese higher education and confidence in Japanese quality assurance.

International Memberships

NIAD-QE is a full member of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) as well as a member of the CHEA International Quality Group. NIC-Japan has joined the Asia-Pacific Network of National Information Centres (APNNIC) representing Japan.

International Partnerships

NIAD-QE has formal agreements (Memorandum of Understanding) with 14 overseas quality assurance agencies, and engages in various cooperative activities with the partners. In addition, NIAD-QE has organized the Japan-China-Korea Quality Assurance Council with quality assurance organizations in China and Korea.

Information Provision

NIAD-QE collects and provides useful information on quality assurance in higher education through the ‘Information Package’ and other publications.

External Review on International Activities

NIAD-QE conducted the external review on international activities in FY2012 inviting international experts.

1-29-1 Gakuen-nishimachi Kodaira-shi,Tokyo 187-8587 Japan



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