Preceding academic year 

May to June

NIAD-QE outlines the framework and methods of CEA.

End of September

NIAD-QE receives applications for evaluation from universities.
Academic year in which the evaluation process is implemented  


Training for evaluators
NIAD-QE provides evaluators with training programs detailing the purpose, content, methods, etc., of university evaluation.

End of June

Submission of self-assessment report
Universities conduct a self-assessment and submit a report to NIAD-QE in accordance with the Instructions for Self-Assessment.

July to January

Document analysis and site visit
The Subcommittees analyze the self-assessment reports, go on site visits, and summarize their initial findings. The Committee reviews the summary and compiles a draft of the evaluation results.

End of January

Notification of the draft evaluation results
NIAD-QE notifies unversities of the draft evaluation results before finalizing them.


Statement of objections
Universities may provide comments or state objections to the draft.


Finalization and publication of the evaluation results
After a panel deliberates on the objections, the Committee finalizes the evaluation results. A final report of the results is compiled, sent to the university and the entity that established it, and made public.
After one academic year or later  

End of June

Report of improvement
If the university was advised of areas for improvement, it is required to report to NIAD-QE about the measures taken to address these areas.



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©copyright 1998 National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education