NIAD-QE is certified by the Minister of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan as an evaluation and accreditation organization of universities, colleges of technology and graduate law schools. In order to support maintenance and improvement of quality of education and research activities of higher education institution, NIAD-QE provides certified evaluation and accreditation for universities, colleges of technology and law schools, institutional thematic assessment and national university education and research evaluation.
On the 7th and 13th of June, 2018, NIAD-QE held an explanatory meeting on the purpose, evaluation standards and methods of certified evaluation and accreditation (CEA) for the 3rd cycle of CEA (to be performed in FY2019) and a training seminar on self-assessment for administrators, such as directors, teaching staff and support staff in charge of evaluations at national, public and private universities.
A total of 316 persons from 86 institutions, including 69 national universities, 13 public universities, 4 private universities attended the meeting.
The meeting consisted of: (1) an explanation by Special Appointed Professor Tutiya about NIAD-QE’s CEA of universities and institutional thematic assessment and (2) a Q&A session. The training seminar consisted of: (1) an explanation by Special Appointed Professor Tutiya on the fundamentals of preparing a self-assessment report and the analysis and assessment procedures of each standard, and (2) an explanation by Special Appointed Professor Yamamoto on "the planning of 3 policies" with case examples from Ryukyu University, and (3) a Q&A session.
In addition, on the 4th of June, NIAD-QE held an explanatory meeting on the CEA of law schools and a training seminar for self-assessment personnel for the CEA of law schools to be performed in FY2019. It was attended by a total of 39 persons from 13 institutions, including 10 national universities, 1 public university, 1 private university and 1 other institution.

Explanatory meeting


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