On December 3, 2018, NIAD-QE held the symposium, “A Review of Achievements and Issues in Leading University Reform – Education and Learning: Strength of Organization to Enhance Education”, at Hitotsubashi Hall in Tokyo.

Since 2016, NIAD-QE has held symposiums on the theme of “Development of Higher Education Through Dialogues between Universities and the Public”. One symposium was on “Globalization and Regional Revitalization” and the other on “Human Resource and Knowledge”. In this final symposium, the topic of achievements and issues in university reform on the theme of “Education and Learning” is visited to bring together the themes of all three symposiums.

The first half of the symposium opened with opening remarks by NIAD-QE President FUKUDA Hideki and an explanation about the symposium by Vice-President MINATOYA Haruo, followed by a presentation on “Hosei University and the Management of Education and Learning – Enhancing Education Through Strength of Organization” by Chancellor TANAKA Yuko of Hosei University.

In the second half of the symposium, 3 case studies were presented, followed by a panel discussion. In the first case titled “Education Management”, Chancellor MURAKAMI Masato of Shibaura Institute of Technology discussed the importance of debating based on numerical data. In the second case titled “Approach by Utsunomiya University ‘School of Regional Design’: Merging of Fields”, TSUKAMOTO Jun, Dean at the School of Regional Design at Utsunomiya University, discussed regional cooperation and maintenance of campus organization. In the last case titled “Management of Education and Learning”, TAGASHIRA Yoshikazu, Director at Promotion of Education and Student Support at Kyoto University, spoke on the topic from the perspective of an administrator responsible for the management of education and learning.

In the panel discussion, Vice-President of Tokyo Metropolitan University and Visiting Professor at NIAD-QE, YOSHITAKE Hiromichi, moderated the panel consisting of the three case study presenters and YAMAMOTO Shin-ichi, Specially Appointed Professor and Dean of Research Department at NIAD-QE. The first half of the panel discussion focused on the presented case studies. In the second half, various topics were discussed with audience participation.


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