Explanatory meetings on the evaluation of education and research for the 3rd cycle of mid-term objectives period performed by NIAD-QE were held in Tokyo (July 7, 2018) and Osaka (July 27, 2018) for the administrative staff of national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations in charge of evaluations.

The meetings were attended by a combined 289 persons from 88 corporations. The meetings consisted of: (1) an explanation on "Education and Research Evaluation of 3rd Cycle Mid-term Objectives Period" by Vice-President HASEGAWA Toshikazu and SATO Akihiro, Executive Director of Department of University Evaluation, (2) an explanation on "Schedule and Items to Consider for the Development of Guidelines for Performance Report and Evaluation Manual” by MITA Yosuke, Director of University Evaluation Planning Division, and (3) a Q&A session.

*Handouts provided during the explanatory meetings are made available on our website [Japanese].

Opening address by President FUKUDA Hideki

Vice-President HASEGAWA Toshikazu and SATO Akihiro, Executive Director of Department of University Evaluation (Osaka)

Q&A session (Tokyo)


1-29-1 Gakuen-nishimachi Kodaira-shi,Tokyo 187-8587 Japan



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