New Year’s Message from President of NIAD-QE (2017)
New Year’s Message from President of NIAD-QE
January 10, 2017
Happy New Year!
I hope that this message finds you well at the beginning of 2017.
I became the first president of the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) when the organization was launched on April 1 of last year, and this was my first New Year in that position.
It has been nine months since the merger, and all of the work inherited from the two former organizations has been progressing well without disruption. This is thanks to the support and cooperation of persons concerned with NIAD-QE. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for your support.
In Japan, universities and other higher education institutions are undertaking a variety of initiatives to cope with rapid changes and expectations that are diversifying year by year in society.
It is within that context that FY2017 is designated in the University Reform Action Plan, which started in FY2012, as a year to validate university reform initiatives and to further advance university reform.
I imagine, therefore, that persons involved in higher education will further promote university reform initiatives, in light of past initiatives, including the start of the six-year Third Medium-term Plan that began in FY2016 at national university corporations.
I am determined to continue pursuing the steady achievement of NIAD-QE’s mission and to further strengthen its functions as an organization that supports universities. As such, I will marshal the power of NIAD-QE’s staff members so that we put our full efforts into efficiently and effectively fulfilling the roles expected of us by persons involved in higher education.
I will greatly appreciate your continued support and encouragement in the future.
Hideki Fukuda, Ph.D., President
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality
Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), Japan