News: The 1st Trilateral Rectors’ Forum: Commemorating the Official Launch of CAMPUS Asia
The 1st Trilateral Rectors’ Forum among Japan, China, and Korea was held in Korea on December 13, 2016. NIAD-QE’s Vice-President Kazuo Okamoto and three members of the International Affairs Division attended the event, which began with a ceremony commemorating official launch of CAMPUS Asia full-fledged program. Some 200 people assembled at the forum, including the rectors and other representatives of the 17 selected consortiums as well as government officials. There were also presentations on international mobility and global employability, with various stakeholders contributing their expertise. Dr. Okamoto gave an overview of the CAMPUS Asia monitoring conducted by NIAD-QE together with quality assurance agencies in China and Korea and introduced examples of good practices as well as the Joint Monitoring Report that was produced as an outcome (photo bellow).
The CAMPUS Asia program is a scheme aimed at nurturing human resources who will lead the future development of East Asia by encouraging study abroad and mobility of students through university exchanges with quality assurance. The governments of Japan, China, and Korea promote the program jointly. 10 pilot consortiums made up of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean universities conducted international collaborative academic programs from 2011 to 2015. For the CAMPUS Asia full-fledged program which began in 2016, 17 consortiums have been selected and will conduct programs over the next five years.
NIAD-QE, together with its counterparts in China and Korea, established the China-Japan-Korea Quality Assurance Council and has been supporting the CAMPUS Asia scheme since its inception in terms of quality assurance. Specifically, it has been monitoring the CAMPUS Asia initiative, which are transnational educational programs, and broadly disseminating at home and abroad the good practices identified from the perspective of the quality of education. Such an initiative by quality assurance agencies from three countries jointly conducting quality assurance activities is unprecedented anywhere in the world. In the future, the three quality assurance agencies plan to jointly produce guidelines for quality assurance of international collaborative academic programs.
See the following webpage for details about CAMPUS Asia monitoring and related reports.
CAMPUS Asia Monitoring website
Dr. Okamoto giving a presentation