The Committee for National University Corporation Education and Research Evaluation makes evaluations of the conditions of education and research at national university corporations and inter-university research institutes, based on requests from MEXT’s National University Corporation Evaluation Committee. The committee can have up to 30 members, each a university president, professor, inter-university research institute president, or faculty member with experience in society, economics, and culture.

NameCurrent Position
ASAMI YasushiExecutive Director/Vice President, The University of Tokyo
BEALE AlisonDirector, University of Oxford Japan Office
HAMANAKA JunkoProfessor, Waseda University
INOUE TomokoProfessor/Dean of School of Nursing at Narita, International University of Health and Welfare
ISO SatoshiProfessor, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
KOBAYASHI YoshieSuperintendent of Education, Takasaki City Board of Education/Professor Emeritus, Gunma Prefectural Women's University
KOSEKI ToshihikoFormer Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, NIDEC CORPORATION
MITSUNARI MihoProfessor, Otemon Gakuin University
NAGASAKA TetsuyaVice-President/Professor/Director of New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University
NAKANE MasayoshiPrincipal, Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior & Senior High School
TAMADA KaoruSenior Vice President, Kyushu University
○ TOYODA NagayasuPresident, Suzuka University of Medical Science
TSUCHIKAWA SatoruProfessor, Nagoya University
YAGUCHI EtsukoPresident, Toyo University
◎ YAMAUCHI SusumuProfessor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University

(◎ Chairperson, ○ Vice-Chairperson)
As of October 2024

1-29-1 Gakuen-nishimachi Kodaira-shi,Tokyo 187-8587 Japan



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