NIAD-QE Signed a MOU with CIQG Regarding Quality Principles during CHEA/CIQG Annual Meetings
Annual meetings for the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) were held from Tuesday, January 30 to Thursday, February 1, 2018 in Washington, DC. Members of NIAD-QE attended the meetings.
NIAD-QE also took the opportunity of this visit to sign a MOU with CIQG regarding the Quality Principles. These Quality Principles, which were proposed by CIQG in 2015, aim to seek common ground and establish a foundation for understanding quality among academics and other higher education professionals, students, employers, government officials and the public. CIQG intends to spread these Quality Principles globally by signing MOUs with organizations that agree with and conduct quality assurance activities in line with the Quality Principles.
With Dr. Eaton, President of CHEA, at signing ceremony